The core modules are assessed by written examination and a piece of submitted coursework. Under exceptional circumstances a supervisor may be found outside the School of Geography and the Environment. The allocation of graduate supervision for this course is the responsibility of the School of Geography and the Environment and it is not always possible to accommodate the preferences of incoming graduate students to work with a particular member of staff.
In order to equip you with the necessary skills to undertake high quality research, a suite of training activities are offered to develop key transferable skills in order for you to be able to execute high quality independent and original research, and expose you to applied research methods used widely in academic and professional research. DissertationĪn independent and original dissertation is an integral component of the course. You will develop your ideas for dissertations during the first two terms and undertake the majority of the work in the final term and over the summer months.įieldwork and external visits are an important part of the teaching programme and currently include coastal and marine environmental change sites, local woodlands, Lake District National Park, the Centre for Alternative Technology (renewable energy and sustainability technologies) and a visit to the European Parliament. You will also work on a thesis project with the support of a specialist supervisor. Additionally, you will be expected to undertake considerable self-directed learning to further and deepen your knowledge of the material introduced during class. You will have approximately ten hours of core module and elective teaching per week during term time, with additional supported learning on occasional field trips. The teaching aim is to foster knowledge, critical thinking, discussion and debate in an integrated setting, and to identify and explore theory, methods and practice in an academic space that encourages collaboration and critical dialogue.
The elective modules offer a tutorial-style teaching and discussion environment within smaller groups, based on a suite of contemporary research themes that reflect the specific interests of core faculty, research staff, and visiting scholars. Teaching takes place through lectures, seminars, workshops and field courses which provide in-depth exploration of key issues. The objectives are assessed through three themes: Methods and Techniques for Environmental Management Understanding Environmental Change Responding to Environmental Change, delivered through eight modules: Welcome to the Anthropocene The Earth System and its Fundamental Processes Global Change and the Biosphere Human Systems and Environmental Change Environmental Economics and Policy Energy Systems and Climate Mitigation Sustainable Responses to Environmental Change Governing the Anthropocene. empower environmental leaders to address the world’s most pressing environmental problems through an understanding of and training in the key analytical and practical skills, and in a broad appreciation of earth systems and societies in relation to environmental change.examine the economic, legal, cultural, and ethical underpinnings of environmental responsibility and systemic solutions, including mitigation, adaptation, remediation, enhanced resource stewardship and other sustainable responses to environmental change at different scales and within different organisational contexts.How do these changes operate and interact on global, regional and local scales? How do they relate to critical social and ecological systems? examine the nature, causes and impacts of major types of environmental change.This course has three overarching aims, to: Scholarships and funding for under-represented groups.Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarships at Oxford.